My Internship with O2x Human Performance

by Trey Kaufmann

O2x Human Performance is a company that “trains our nation’s heroes.” We work with federal agencies, various military branches along with some professional sports teams like the Chicago Blackhawks.

On a day to day basis I got to work with some of the most incredible people. The co-founders, who were also my bosses both served as Navy SEALS. Some of my other co-workers that were in the office on a day to day basis competed in the olympics and former career firefighters. We also had employees that we contracted out that were at the top of their professions and some of the most decorated people in the military. Being surrounded by those people on a day to day basis was probably the most exciting part about my experience this summer. We also had a few former professional hockey players that would come into the office to meet with the co founders.

Everyday I was in charge of distribution for products that were needed for our clients at workshops all around the country. I worked side by side with the head of operations on other tasks to keep the workshops organized. On occasion I would go to local workshops such as the Boston Fire Department on Moon Island and Massachusetts National Guard to set up and then observe.

My biggest accomplishment from this summer was the success of designing and working with a sign company to secure signage for our workshops. While it does not seem like much, the company I worked for works with very particular and high profile clients. Everything at these workshops needed to be perfect and my bosses expected nothing less so to be able to accomplish that along with the head of operations this summer was a big deal. I would also throw in the fact that I was on a zoom call with a lot of the Chicago Blackhawks organization as one of the most memorable parts of the summer.