My Internship at a Local News Company

Hi, my name is Julia Cellana, and I’m a senior at Wheaton College. I am majoring in business and management, with a minor in history because I enjoy it. This summer I was fortunate enough to land an internship at a local news company in my hometown called, thanks to the funding Wheaton graciously provided.
This experience was very exciting because I liked what the job entailed. My internship title was Web Content Assistant, and I had to do research, post stories on the website, and complete a big project. Another aspect that was exciting was my independence since it was a mostly remote position. On the day-to-day, I had to figure out everything I needed to get done and then complete my tasks without someone over my shoulder. Usually, I like having someone to tell me what to do, but I learned to do it on my own for the most part. I would email with questions if I had any. It was surprising how well I was able to do my work from home because I thought I would be asking questions all day long.
The big project that I did was for the Berkshire County schools’ 2020 graduations. IBerkshires wanted to make sure the schools were still recognized even though most graduations were online or car parades. I had to collect information from the schools and organize them in my email and eventually onto the page. This really strengthened my organizational skills because I had to keep track of 17 schools who all had graduations at different times. When they launched the page, I remember feeling extremely proud of the work I did.
The experience went extremely well for me considering the circumstances. Whenever I finished a project they would put me on another one, so I was busy all summer. One good thing that came out of remote work was being able to make my own hours and be independent. All in all, it was an extremely helpful learning experience that has prepared me for the real world a bit more.

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