Community Scholar Liza Detenber ’12 Volunteers in Nicaragua and Costa Rica

This summer, Community Scholar Liza Detenber ’12 worked for a non-profit organization called Global Learning in Nicaragua and Costa Rica.   She taught in local public schools using student-centered education, in which the classroom is broken up into small groups of 3-4 children.  As the leader of the Costa Rica program, Liza learned best practices in student-centered education, community organizing, and leadership.   As a result, Liza says that she is now a more effective and informed leader.  In her reflection essay, Liza wrote, “I feel that I have come back with such a new perspective of our country and culture that will infuse new insights into my classes and future education.  Working abroad has taught me the importance of working to cross barriers such as socioeconomic class, culture, nationality, etc. because once you let go of judgments and misperceptions a whole world of wonderful friendships can open up!”
