Senior Class Faculty Appreciation Award and Honorable Mentions

It is with great honor that we announce the Class of 2020 Faculty Appreciation Award Winner! As a professor she has brought joy and happiness into her classes everyday. She has challenged the minds of her students and inspired them to look at the world in new ways. She is exceptionally welcoming and kind, has a heart of gold and is an active ally in all regards. These are just some of the statements that students have made to describe Professor Barbara Darling and only beings to scratch the surface. Thank you for all that you have done to make our time at Wheaton truly special!
There were also two honorable mentions who received great recognition from our class, Professor Nick Dorzweiler and Professor Gabriela Torres. Here is just a brief description of the Class of 2020s statements on the impact they have both had during our time here.
Professor Nick Dorzweiler is an influential and positive figure inside and outside the classroom. He is a dedicated, diligent, and thoughtful professor who truly cares about the academic and intellectual success of each and every one of his students. Professor Dorzweiler also deeply cares about the health, well being, and personal successes of his students. Many students expressed how he has gone out of his way to make online classes accessible as well as acknowledge the crazy times we are in. His enthusiasm for the subject’s transfer to everyone else in the course as he teaches his classes with energy, innovation, and cohesion. His support and guidance has not gone unnoticed and the Class of 2020 would like to acknowledge how important Professor Dorzweiler has been to many Wheaton students over the course of the last four years.
Professor Gabriela Torres is an inspiring human with an incredible mind and heart. On top of all of her responsibilities as a professor, administrator, and academic professional – she goes above and beyond for students without fail. Many have described her as a force of nature that will always get the best out of you but also always meet you where you are at. Her perspective and outlook on learning has made class fun, intellectually stimulating, and emotionally relatable all at once. Outside of her continued commitment to her students’ success she utilizes her expertise to vulnerable women in need who are applying for asylum to this country. The Class of 2020 would like to recognize the importance Professor Torres’s has had on our time, and thank her for all of her hard work, dedication, and support over these last four years.
Once again congratulations to Professor Barbara Darling on receiving the Class of 2020 Faculty Appreciation Award and thank you Professor Nick Dorzweiler and Professor Gabriela Torres for the impact you have made during our time at Wheaton!
The Class Council of 2020