No one’s a smoker, but everyone smokes: Recent trends in college smoking

Although U.S. tobacco use has steadily declined over the past decade, many college students continue to smoke on a small but regular basis. In fact, young adults aged 18-25 have the highest rate of tobacco use of any age group in the U.S., with the majority smoking only intermittently. Perhaps most surprisingly, college students who only smoke occasionally do not even self-identify as smokers, reserving the term “smoker” for addicted, heavy users, drawing a parallel distinction between “occasional smoking” and being a “smoker” to having “the occasional drink” versus being an “alcoholic.” Research will be presented on the behavioral and attitudinal differences between those who do and do not identify as smokers followed by an open discussion of campus smoking trends.

This Faculty Lunch Talk is presented by Michael Berg, Professor of Psychology. All are welcome to attend.
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Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016
12:30 p.m.
President’s Dining Room