March 23 Message from Provost White to Faculty

Dear Faculty,

I know this is the start of many weeks of uncharted territory for all of you as you begin teaching remotely. Staying away from campus is not only hard regarding courses plus being separate from your students and one another, but it also interferes with intellectual and creative work for many of you.

Given the many unknowns ahead, and how much you’ve been asked to do in a short period of time, I wanted to let you know that the Office of the Provost is committed to outlining a number of ways we can support faculty in such unpredictable times.

We are working with PAC, Committee on Tenure, Committee on Faculty Scholarship and Promotion and other committees to review policies, deadlines and other matters that need to be adjusted and relaxed in light of the dramatic shift this semester has taken. We recognize the impact the current situation may have on your teaching and creative work for the foreseeable future and are committed to proposing solutions that are fair, sound, mission-driven, and grounded in the values of faculty governance. What I can already share at the outset is that I will prepare a letter intended for every assistant and associate professor (and available to full professors if they wish) that describes the disruptive nature of the semester and the need to consider any evaluation of your work with flexibility. I know that it would be unfair for any of you to suffer the consequences of circumstances beyond your control. Expect a detailed update within a week. As always, be in touch with your questions, concerns and suggestions.

I wish each of you the wisdom, stamina, patience and humor needed as Wheaton embarks on this new phase of campus life.

With appreciation,

Renée T. White
Wheaton College