“Geochemistry of Bhutanese Rivers, aka Rivers, Hot Springs, and Landslides Oh My!”

Image for Faculty Lunch Talk February 2012Weathering reactions in the Himalayas are thought to play an important role in the long term atmospheric carbon dioxide budget. The chemistry of river waters reflects this weathering, and allows for estimates of total weathering budgets. Sampling rivers during the Himalayan monsoon however can be a challenging task.

Matt Evans’ talk will cover the fundamental science behind global carbon cycles and the adventures in investigating them in far off lands, notably Bhutan and Nepal.

The talk will be on Tuesday , February 28, 2012 at 12:30 p.m. in the President’s Dining Room. For the most up-to-date list of this semester’s talks, click here.

Spring 2012 Faculty Lunch Talks schedule (pdf)