Faculty Scholarship, September 2023
At the core of the academic experience at Wheaton is our community of talented and productive teacher-scholars. This newsletter is meant to celebrate our achievements as a community of research and creative scholars who use words, images, sound, and other modalities and platforms to create new knowledge and aesthetic experiences that are shared around the world and that invigorate our classrooms. This newsletter is a reflection of the core liberal arts values of our institution: free inquiry and curiosity.
Karen McCormack, Interim Provost. Dorothy Reed Williams Professor of the Social Sciences.
Kate Mason
Associate Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies
The Reproduction of Inequality: How Class Shapes the Pregnant Body and Infant Health. NYU Press, 2023.
An important analysis of the difference class makes in reproductive health choices. Drawing on interviews with dozens of pregnant women and new mothers from poor, middle-class, and mixed-class backgrounds, Katherine Mason paints a vivid picture of the immense weight of expectation that comes with the early stages of motherhood. The women in Mason’s study universally sought to give their children a healthy start in life; however, their chosen approaches varied based on their socio-economic class.

Gail Sahar
Jane Oxford Keiter Professor of Psychology
Blame and Political Attitudes: The Psychology of America’s Culture War. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2023.
This book demonstrates that the current emphasis on value differences, whether between conservatives and liberals in the U.S. or between religious and secular countries on a global level, ignores commonalities in the way people think about issues. She proposes that focusing on perceived causes of social problems is a much more promising avenue for dialog than trying to reconcile fundamental belief systems. Informed by the latest psychological science, this new take on how to change attitudes has implications for anyone seeking to influence the viewpoints of others, from politicians and activists to ordinary people talking about current events at a dinner party.

Alireza Shomali
Professor of Political Science
A Time that is out of Joint [Rouzgar-e Mabada; in Persian]. Tehran: Nasr-e Negah-e Moaser, 2023.
The driving question of this book is how a certain way of envisioning the revelation-governance relationship may help democratic life in present-day Iran and, by implication, in similar societies. The volume explores and interprets a set of ideas within the traditions of Perso-Islamicate political thought to propose a sketch of such vision.

Hope Bastian
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Contemporary Cuba: The Post-Castro Era (Third Edition). Co-edited with Philip Brenner, John M. Kirk, and William M. Leogrande. Rowman and Littlefield, 2023.
This completely revised and updated edition of Contemporary Cuba focuses on Cuba since Raúl Castro stepped down as president in 2018. The book offers a comprehensive description and analysis of contemporary Cuban politics, economy, international relations, and society. All but two of the twenty-seven articles were written expressly for this volume, in a style accessible for a broad audience. Ideally suited for students and general readers seeking to understand this small yet still influential country, the book includes a substantive introduction setting the historical context, as well as introductions to each topical section and a chronology of events since 2014.

Journal Articles
John Collins
Professor of Physics
J. Collins and K. Mishra. “A Model of the Temperature Dependence of Concentration Quenching of Luminescence in Doped Insulators”. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 12, 2023.
Sara Donaldson
Assistant Professor of Education
Donaldson, S. (2023). Critical colleagueship development amongst elementary instructional leaders: A comparative analysis of processes and outcomes. Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, 24, 3-31.
Mike Gousie
Professor of Computer Science
Gousie, M.B. and Lord, H. A Modified DEM for Representing Overhanging Terrain. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS ’23) (Pasadena, 2023).
Leanna Lawter
Associate Professor of Business and Management
Lawter, L., & Garnjost, P. (2023) “Effectiveness of flipped classroom format in quantitative and non-quantitative business courses – A meta-analysis.” International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 21.
Awards, Grants and Fellowships
Geoffrey Collins
Professor of Geology
“Tracking 3D Ice Shell Evolution and Material Exchange at Europa.” NASA Precursor Science Investigations – Europa.
Andrew Davinack
Assistant Professor of Biology
“DNA barcoding of marine invertebrates collected from marinas and docks on Nantucket.” Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative’s General Biodiversity Grant.
Nick Dorzweiler
Professor of the Practice of Political Science and Women’s & Gender Studies
ACLS Project Development Grant for ongoing book project titled, On Air: Harold Lasswell, NBC Radio, and the Psychotherapy Program for the American Masses.
Leanna Lawter
Associate Professor of Business & Management Lawter, L., & Garnjost, P. (2023) Best Empirical Paper, Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2022: “Effectiveness of flipped classroom format in quantitative and non-quantitative business courses – A meta-analysis.”
Conference Presentations
Andrew Davinack
Assistant Professor of Biology
“Polychaete diversity in New England marinas after two decades of rapid biodiversity assessment surveys: challenges and future plans.” Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 2023.
Creative Scholarship
Aurora Andrews
Visiting Assistant Professor of Design
“That They Are There!” Mass Art, Brandt Gallery, Boston, MA. October 2023.
Del Case
Professor of Music
“Search Me, O God: An Introduction to Deus Ex Musica.” Boston, June 2023.
Clinton O’Dell
Associate Professor of Theatre Design
Fitter and costumer. Beetlejuice 2. VT, September 2024.
Max Ponticelli
Professor of the Practice of Technical Theatre
Organizer/Technical Director of FringePVD. Providence, July 2023.
Wheaton Chapel Pride Designer. Norton, June 2023.
Kent Shaw
Associate Professor of English
Poems: “How many fit into people’s lives”, “Ministering CPR to an already breathing animal”, “Privacy is an inside, or like always is inside each one of us” in Action, Spectacle. Summer 2023.
Public Scholarship
Del Case – Professor of Music
“Binding Isaac With Music“: A Screening and Discussion. University of Cambridge, UK May 2023.
Tommasina Gabriele – Professor of Italian Studies“ The Asexual Awakening: Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami” Academic Blogpost for Oxford University Press. May 2023.
Aubrey Westfall – Associate Professor of Political Science
Dana M. Polanichka – Professor of History
“Revitalizing Writing Retreats,” Inside Higher Ed, May 16, 2023.