Rana LaPine ’16, ABD Member-at-Large

Rana LaPine ’16
Alumni Board of Directors
Professional Background:
Fund Manager, New Songs Rising Initiative,
Grantmakers for Girls of Color, January, 2022 – present
Lead Program Officer, First Nations Development Institute, 2018 – 2022
Initiative Associate, Indigenous Communities, NoVo Foundation, 2017- 2018
Project Associate, Cause Effective, 2016 – 2017
Wheaton Activities & Volunteer Experience:
Panelist, January Jumpstart Program, 2022
Tri-State Young Alumni Career Panel, 2018
Academic Background:
B.A., Major: International Relations, Mideast/Africa/Latin America, 2016
Why I Am Serving on the Alumni Board of Directors:
I have joined the Alumni Board of Directors to strengthen alumni relations, especially with alumni of color. Wheaton has a phenomenal, powerful network of alumni who can work together to ensure each member of our community has access to the support and networking found within our ranks. I am grateful for the many opportunities granted to me through my time at Wheaton, and look forward to continuing these same opportunities to all future and present alumni.
Wheaton Influences in My Life:
Wheaton influenced my life in many ways. I learned to balance the miriad responsibilities and activities I participated in, from serving as a Wheaton Athletic Mentor (WAM) to stepping on SOLE to working in the Filene Center and so much more. Working in philanthropy, I think often of the advice given to me by professor Russell Williams, who often gave me kind advice and invaluable insights on how socioeconomic factors influence life. I think, also, of Professor Gabriela Torres and her encouragement to consider the connections between gender, race, and infinite existing and historical systems. Finally, Raquel Ramos and all of the Marshall Center staff always took the time to be sure that I felt seen and supported, and that I had the opportunity and energy to always show up as myself.
Fun Fact:
I threw a hammer for Wheaton Track and Field and want to volunteer to coach girls and young people in track and field throwing events (if COVID ever lessens…)
- Alumni