Molly Grannell ’15, ABD Member-at-Large

Molly Grannell ’15
Member-at Large
Alumni Board of Directors
Professional Background:
Associate Director of Individual Giving, Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras (BYSO) – present
Associate Director, Development Manager, and Development Associate, Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts – 2016-2022
Academic Background:
B.A. Wheaton College, Major: Biology, 2015
Why I’m Serving on the Alumni Board of Directors:
When thinking of where I most want to volunteer and what I want to support, Wheaton is the obvious choice. I enjoyed being involved during my time at Wheaton, particularly through student government and new student orientation roles, and look forward to supporting Wheaton in new ways as an alum. I want to pay it forward to future generations of students and keep our alumni community connected to both each other and this transformative place we call(ed) home!
Wheaton Influence:
Wheaton had a profound and positive impact on my life that I couldn’t be more proud of, and am not afraid to share! From friendships that continued beyond graduation, student activities that prepared me as a professional, to once in a lifetime experiences and travels – it’s impossible to count the things Wheaton has given me and I feel lucky for it.
Fun Fact:
Summer is my favorite season, when you’ll more than likely find me in the water!
- Alumni