Marcus Relthford ’97, S’99, ABD Alumni Trustee

Marcus Relthford ’97, S’99
Alumni Trustee
Alumni Board of Directors
Professional Background:
Head of U.S. Institutional Sales, Glass, Lewis & Co., 2020 – present
Wheaton Activities & Volunteer Experience
Alumni and Parent Admissions Committee (APAC), 2007 – 2016
Filene Center Volunteer, 2008-2014
President’s Commission, 2008-2010
Regional Contact, 2003-2007
Annual Giving Committee Member, 2003-2006
Academic Background:
MBA in Finance, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 2013
M.Sc. in European Studies, The London School of Economics and Political Science, 1998
B.A., Political Science & International Relations, Wheaton College, 1997
Why I’m Serving on the Alumni Board of Directors:
Wheaton is an important part of my life and I am serving to ensure that the Wheaton legacy remains available to future generations!
Wheaton Influences in My Life:
Wheaton’s influence in my life has been immeasurable! I count numerous current and former Wheaton faculty and staff members as friends, mentors, and advisors. I particularly point out the late, great Jay Goodman and Darlene Boroviak as incredibly important. Fellow students in and around my class have also been great influences with my wife – Amy Eddy ’99 – holding the top spot!
Fun Fact:
Passionate about wine, I enjoy visiting both the great and emerging wine regions of the world. Bordeaux, Tuscany, and the Rhone Valley are personal favorites!
- Alumni