Marcia Coleman Williams ’72, ABD Member-at-Large

Marcia Coleman Williams ’72
Alumni Association Board of Directors

Building support: “Being on the board allows me to use my experience as a class annual fund chair to help increase alumni engagement. I’ve seen what works firsthand, and the challenges those of us in this role face. I hope that my experience will improve the partnerships with fund chairs to increase the number of donors and funds raised.”

Wheaton influence: “My favorite teacher was Barbara Clinger, professor of mathematics. She was innovative, intelligent and supportive; a real force in the classroom and for math majors. My experiences at Wheaton helped shape my success as a female in what was a mostly male computer industry when I started. I’m continually impressed with the lasting friendships I observe through regular gatherings of classmates across all years.”

Hobby: “My passion is genealogy and learning about history through the research of branches and twigs on our family tree.”

Alumni Volunteer History

  • Class Fund Agent: 2012 – present
  • Class Vice President: senior year
  • Seattle Admissions Volunteer
  • Seattle area club coordinator

Professional Background

  • Curriculum Consultant for $20 million federal NISGTC  DOL grant
  • Bellevue College Faculty: Programming, Database Theory, Systems Analysis and Design, Problem Solving, mainframe operating systems; Program Chair: Programming, Database, Technical Support and Networking programs
  • Created and managed IT internships for Programming and Technical Support programs
  • Computer Programmer


  • Desktop Publishing : co-author of four college-level texts
  • Programming Learning Module: Over 100 pages of Hands-On Activities for beginning programming class
  • YouTube videos on technical issues for the beginning programming student
  • Reviewer of multiple texts on Database Theory (authors David Kroenke and David Auer)
  • Technical Editor for online courses in Business Intelligence, Cloud Essentials, GIS, iOS, Android, Mobile Design, Problem Solving, A+ Certification

Academic Background

  • BA Mathematics, Wheaton College
  • M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Washington

Non-Wheaton Volunteer Experience

  • Regent, Cascade Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
  • Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR):  speaker at monthly meetings on Her-Story, Women Heroes of the American Revolution
  • Church elder and deacon
  • Middle school math tutor
  • Choral groups: parent volunteer, newsletter editor, run spotlight


  • Margin of Excellence Award: college teaching award
  • Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar to England
