Katherine Wieland ’05, ABD Member at Large

Katherine “Katie” Wieland ’05
Alumni Board of Directors
Professional Background:
CEO & Founder, TalentED Advisors
Professional Honors & Awards:
Advisory Board Member, Pace University, Transformative Leadership Program
Cohort Member, Emerging Human Capital Leaders Initiative
Wheaton Honors, Activities and Experiences:
Banning Ford Prize in Education
Academic Festival Presenter
Black History Month Committee
Columnist, Wheaton Wire
Committee on Education Policy Member
Dean’s Intern for Housing
Head Resident for the Office of Student Life, 2004
President of the College Conservative’s
Procedural Advisor for the Wheaton College Honor Code Board
Senior Class Council Member
Student Phonathon Caller, 2002
Student Alumni Council Member
Student Government Association’s Education Council Member
Student Government Association Senator
Student Trustee Liaison Committee Member
Survey Committee for the Honor Code Task Force Member
WCCS, Radio Station, Host for the Morning News
Academic Background:
Master of Urban Education Policy, Brown University
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Wheaton College, 2005
Why I’m Serving on the Alumni Board of Directors:
“May they have life and have it abundantly” –as a devout Episcopalian, our school motto has always deeply resonated with me. Wheaton abundance culture set me on a path to be able to dream big, to embrace change, to see feedback as a gift, to unapologetically seek learning and to ensure that I leave people, places and things better than when I found them. As a member of the Alumni Board of Directors I am incredibly excited to support the larger Wheaton community in sharing this abundance mindset with future Wheaties and in supporting the college’s ongoing work in creating equity and opportunity for all.
Wheaton Influence in My Life:
“Simply put, I owe my career and so much more to Wheaton. I came to the small town of Norton as a big, bad New Yorker, thinking I knew so much more than I actually did. In my junior year I happened upon a class with then President Marshall (Urban Politics), and in no less than one short semester I had my social justice fire set ablaze. My eyes were opened to white privilege, systemic racism and so much more that I simply did not know existed as a white person – even one from New York. My Wheaton experience showed me the power that one voice could have in changing the tides for so many. With my heart set on fire, I started my career as a teacher working to ensure that every child had the opportunity and access to a high-quality education, regardless of background. Today, my firm, TalentED Advisors, looks to disrupt that cycle through building diverse candidate pools, supporting organizations in building and executing equitable practices and policies and coaching that builds skill and leadership capacity, especially for people of color and women. Truly understanding that equity and opportunity are synonymous is Wheaton’s legacy in my life, and for that I will be eternally grateful.”
Fun Fact:
I am an enthusiastic member of the #IGetTOCrew @ Peloton – which is my new obsession thanks to COVID-19. As a result, my legging game has definitely gotten better for sure.
- Alumni