These very fine photographs of our time in Hawai’i were taken by Julia Corey ’19. Here she is at work with Anesu and Em at the Pali Overlook.
Kam and Gayelle, Ala Moana Beach ParkWaimea FallsCandy, Waimea FallsJulia and Candy, Waimea FallsJulia, Waikiki BeachNight Sky, Kilauea Military Camp, Big IslandKaylyn and Kelby, Pu’uhonua place of refuge, Big IslandAnesu and Sophie, Pu’uhonua place of refuge, Big IslandAba, Pu’uhonua place of refuge, Big IslandDiana, Pu’uhonua place of refuge, Big IslandEm, Pu’uhonua place of refuge, Big IslandSleepy Honu, Black Sand Beach, Big IslandMJ, Black Sand Beach, Big IslandKelby, Black Sand Beach, Big IslandAnesu and Kam, Black Sand Beach, Big IslandEvergreen Band Members Candy, MJ and Chase, Black Sand Beach, Big IslandAba, Niaulani Rainforest, Big IslandCandy, Niaulani Rainforest, Big IslandChase, Kaylyn, Anesu, MJ and Kelby, Niaulani Rainforest, Big IslandGreen Sand Beach, Big IslandKelby and Tariq, Green Sand Beach, Big Island