Le Corbusier podcast

This podcast is part of Watson Conversations, a growing collection of podcasts produced by Wheaton students as part of Art History 240: Art of the Avant-Gardes, 1900-1945: France, Germany, Italy and Russia.

“Eve, no. 11 from the Unité Series, 65/130"


Le Corbusier, Eve no. 11 and the Snake no. 15 from the Unité Series, 1953

Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Mary L. Kozol (Ruth Massell, Class of 1925).

Betsy Cronin ’11 and Alexandra Barie ’13 describe Le Corbusier’s combination of sensuous, organic forms with a rigid sense of architectural structure, in two prints from his Unité series. They read individual elements as “rooms arranged in a building,” and the prints together “as a kind of sketchbook” for Le Corbusier’s architectural designs.

All Watson Conversations