Freddie Mercado
The Creative Writing Program and the Wheaton Institute for the Interdisciplinary Humanities (WIIH) proudly present performance artist and painter Freddie Mercado. Sponsored by the Dale Rogers Marshall Visiting Artists Program Endowed Fund within the Evelyn Danzig Haas ’39 Visiting Artists Program with support from the SGA Venture Fund Performance artist Mercado is one of the greatest advocates of the performing arts in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. His performative work has acquired an international dimension through his participation in important expositions and shows in Dominican Republic, Spain and United States. Freddie Mercado’s work explores the ambiguity and transgression of the human being. Through humor, sound and a spectacular Baroque atmosphere, his thought-provoking performative interventions stimulate not only the senses, but also engage the viewer in a self-reflection about the variability and instability of identity categories.

PERFORMANCE: La Virgen ArtCritica…Promesa (October 25th)
LECTURE: My life in Transgression. (October 26th)
