New Course for Fall 2013

The Philosophy Department is thrilled that Alexandra King will offer a new course in Fall 2013. King, who will join us as a Brown Faculty Fellow, will teach an exciting course in Epistemology.

Phil 298 will meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 am.  The course description is as follows: “An exploration of how we obtain knowledge and what can get in the way of it. Organized into three major units: self-knowledge, knowledge of the world, and modes of knowledge (including, e.g., feminist epistemology). Both traditional philosophical texts and non-standard, interdisciplinary texts will be used.”

The Brown Faculty Fellow program brings Brown graduate students in their final years of their Ph.D. program to Wheaton to experience teaching bright students in a small liberal arts setting.

The photo above is a screenshot of the Brown University website on April 8th.