A Great Fit at University of Arizona

Chris Howard ’08 wrote recently with an update on his progress toward the Ph.D. at University of Arizona. He’s visited or presented work at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Sheffield, UC-Boulder, and the Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association. In addition, he designed and taught his own course on Neuroethics and has a handful of articles submitted journals.  Of his dissertation, now underway, he writes:

“I’m defending a ‘fittingness-first’ view of normativity, according to which the normative relation of fittingness (the relation in which an attitude or response stands to an object when the object merits or is worthy of that response) is normatively basic, and all other normative properties and relations can be analyzed in terms of this relation. I draw out the implications of my analysis of normativity in terms of the fittingness relation for first-order normative ethics and epistemology and for current debates in the moral responsibility literature.”

Good luck, Chris!  And keep us posted as those articles get published.