Students Create Mindfulness Album

This mindfulness album has been developed by undergraduate students at Wheaton College (Norton, Massachusetts) who were enrolled in Professor Mary Lee Griffin’s course, EDUC 350: Mindfulness in School and Society.

Through scholarly study and experiential learning, the course provides an introduction to contemplative studies. Students examine the theories of mindfulness and contemplative studies as they engage in such practices and explore connections to teaching, learning, schooling and everyday living. Mindfulness draws on the innate wisdom of our minds and bodies to develop calm, concentration, and insight, and to foster personal growth. Class members explore what it means to read, write, listen, speak, and interact with the world mindfully. They then take mindfulness into the field to teach and practice with young students. Finally, they developed these practices to share with their peers.

We are so pleased to share these tracks with you. We hope you enjoy them and make them your own.