Marie Hélène/Sam Bourcier on Tour
November 14, 2016
The Triangle and the Unicorn
A lecture on the difference between Gay & Lesbian Politics and Queer & Transfenibist Biopolitics
Marie Hélène / Sam Bourcier
Bourcier is a queer activist and theorist who teaches at the University of Lille. He is the translator of Monique Witting and Teresa de Lauretis and one of the first thinkers to have introduced queer theory in France. He has written extensively on queer culture, theory and politics; sexual subcultures; feminisms and postfeminisms; and minority identities in France and in other countries. He is the author of the Queer Zones trilogy: Queer Zones 1, Politique des identités sexuelles et des savoirs (2001), Queer Zones 2, Sexpolitiques, (2005) and Queer Zones 3, Identités, Cultures, Politiques (2011) and