Elspeth Lodge
Journalist | Toronto, Ontario

After I graduated Wheaton I worked for the Providence Journal. During this time I wrote features, which led me to interview a variety of accomplished individuals. Among them former Rhode Island state representative Ray Rickman, Miss Rhode Island 1974 (Karen Salvatore), the Patriots Cheerleaders and their choreographer. I also helped develop a new section of the paper called “Thrive.”
I then accepted a contract with the National Post in Canada. There I covered a wide range of topics in breaking news: high profile murder trials (including the Elaine Campione case), abductions, sex crimes, pedophilia cases and fatal vehicle collisions. I also acted as the Post’s British Monarchy expert and covered all of the royal news.
A few weeks before the royal wedding I was contacted by representatives of the XM radio show “Broadminded” based in Washington DC. They asked me to be their Royal Wedding Correspondent for their radio talk show via the radio and my personal blog, which gets around 5,000 views a day. Currently I am reporting every detail of the royal wedding, following the newlyweds from their cottage in Anglesey to their honeymoon destination and back!
Since the National Post is part of the Postmedia network inc., some of my work is automatically published in other venues such as the Times Colonist, The Vancouver Sun, The Province, the Calgary Herald, the Edmonton Journal, the Leader-Post, the StarPhoenix, the Ottawa Citizen, the Windsor Star, the Montreal Gazette, canada.com, dose.ca, househunting.ca, driving.ca and working.com
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